Wednesday, May 21, 2008

May 21st Podcast "Free for All"

What is your passion? How can you demonstrate Christ's love on your mower? Good tips for blogging and much more stuff discussed in this free for all podcast!

Way of the Pastor,
Joe Drew

1 comment:

17Wins said...

My confession...

I hope I am not the one you were referring to using the "cut and paste" options. I do use it only to prove a point.

But my confession is this...I originally began to blog to fit in. I needed to feel wanted and be a friend to someone. I found that my responses to other blogs or blog topics were not done wih the right intentions. I wanted the be the person that someone else quoted, said "ooohhh, that was good...", or gave me props for whatever I put up.

This was and is wrong of me. I appologize! I have been convicted for why I am doing this blog is to GROW spiritually, not be the best theology-based dude in the blogsphere. I need to do more from the heart and less from the head.