Saturday, January 30, 2010

January 30th podcast- From the Couch to the Cross

Tune in to this latest podcast over to your right by clicking the "play" button on the TALKSHOE widget. Listen in and find out who we think might win the Superbowl, what famous person "Jason Ridlen" favors, if one should have to grow a beard and wear sandles to be like Jesus and what it takes to go from the COUCH to the CROSS. Bonus if you listen to the podcast and answer the question towards the end! As always thanks for stopping by and tell someone this week about "The Home of the 27-minute Podcast!"
Way of the Pastor,
Joe Drew


adajean said...

Avatar rules

nvent said...

Great podcast guys.

1) Avatar rules. "Tauruk" is one of those names. "Tauruk - get over here and clean up your room!"
2) Check this out (in relation to your upcoming series, and what you talked about at the end of the podcast, it's called "couch to 5k" It WORKS (I did it.)

nvent said...